Humanitas Foundation e.V.
Humanitarian help - worldwide

Welcome to Humanitas Foundation

We’re delighted that you’ve discovered us. At the Humanitas Foundation, we are a globally active non-profit organization dedicated to humanitarian efforts. Since our inception in 2002, we have been committed to various projects aimed at assisting those in need and improving their living conditions in a sustainable, impactful way.

While our work spans across the globe, our current focus is primarily on Africa, where we strive to make a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable communities.


Your Sustainable Partner in Change


At Humanitas Foundation e.V., we stand as a dependable and enduring ally for those in need and for our valued partners. We understand the unique challenges faced by orphans, widows, the sick, refugees, and other marginalized communities. Whether addressing urgent crises or establishing long-term solutions, our mission is to empower individuals and families to secure a stable foundation for their lives.

Our approach focuses on strengthening families, supporting youth development, and coordinating international efforts to implement impactful aid projects. We believe in the power of collaboration to create lasting change.


Empowering Communities for a Sustainable Future


Sustainable development in Africa is a cornerstone of our work. We recognize that short-term interventions can only provide temporary relief. Therefore, we emphasize long-term strategies that enable our partner organizations to eventually operate independently, reducing or eliminating their reliance on external funding.

Our projects include initiatives like tree planting and microcredit systems, offering interest-free loans to aspiring entrepreneurs. These loans are only repaid if the business succeeds, ensuring that we invest in the future of those who seek to build a self-sufficient life. We provide essential resources, such as business equipment or seeds for agriculture, and support youth by financing crucial needs like driving licenses, helping them secure employment and independence.

Our small charity farm near Kampala, Uganda, is a testament to this philosophy. By utilizing available land, we’ve initiated agricultural projects and poultry farming, starting with the provision of quality seeds and the purchase of the first 100 chicks.


Expanding Our Reach to India

In response to the growing global demand for assistance, we are expanding our efforts to India. We are committed to addressing the increasing needs of people in this region, ensuring that our support reaches those who need it most. Our goal is to extend our successful programs to new areas, broadening our impact and helping more communities thrive.

Germany – Caring for the Vulnerable


Our work in Germany has included numerous projects supporting refugees. Now, we are launching a new initiative to provide nursing services, addressing the significant need for care among the elderly and those with chronic conditions. We aim to establish a program that offers essential support, enhancing the quality of life for those who need it most.