Humanitas Foundation e.V.
Humanitarian help - worldwide

Promotion of Partnership Organisations

Since 2012 we are partner of the St Pauls Childrens Home, an orphanage with about 70 children in Nairobi, Kenya. During this time we were able to establish great progress and positive changes for the children. We have been able to turn structural improvements from corrugated iron huts into stone houses and provide the home with stable beds, benches, an assembly hall, sanitary facilities and other equipment. Since the staff of the home was very understaffed and poorly paid, we increased the staff and paid fair salaries at the beginning of our partnership. We also organise local festivals, such as Christmas parties with gifts for the children and other events.

Especially disabled people have a difficult life in Africa. Therefore we support a children's home for disabled children in Nairobi, Kenya financially and with material and food.
In addition, we cooperate with Dr. Richard's local practice to support his work in which he treats patients free of charge.