Humanitas Foundation e.V.
Humanitarian help - worldwide


For us, health is divided into two core areas - medical care and nutrition. Through our partnership with the German medical aid organisation action medeor e. V. we bring basic medical supplies to Africa - directly to doctors who treat the poorer population in their practices free of charge. A link between health and nutrition is established through our clean water projects. Bilharzia and other diseases are fundamental major problems in Africa caused by dirty drinking water. Water quality and water supply are a disaster. The Humanitas Foundation e. V.  is engaged in educational activities in this field and tries to counteract with various measures. For example we introduced and installed water filter systems and pipes and had rainwater tanks cleaned. This has already enabled us to significantly improve water quality. Our long-term goal is to build a deep well to establish an independent water supply with clean water, for example for the St Pauls Childrens Home and our neighborhood.

We also dedicate ourselves with great passion to the topic of nutrition. In most families there is already a lack of basic food, which is why we always distribute parcels with food and hygiene articles. We do this together with our orphans in the poor neighbourhood as well as with the Masai tribes in the desert. A large planned project is the cultivation of food by own fruit trees and the rearing of farm animals. Thus we would like to reach a partly own supply possibility for the orphans. At the beginning of our cooperation the orphans often had to accept rotten food leftovers from supermarkets in order to survive. Therefore, it is very important for us to build up a sustainable care possibility, which in turn will have a strong positive influence on the health of the children.